How to Change Certification Level

How to Change Certification Level

Please use the steps below to change your current certification level to a lower one. Once your certification level has been changed, you must still meet all recertification requirements and deadlines.  

Please email your request to change levels to using Request Level Change as the subject line. 

Include the following information in the request: 
  1. Name 
  2. Registry Number 
  3. Current Certification level 
  4. Level of certification you wish to be changed to
  5. A statement acknowledging you are aware you will have to test to regain the previous level. 
You will receive a reply email stating your certification level has been changed.
Once you have confirmation your account has been updated, check to make sure you have the correct expiration date and functions on your My Certification page. 
Contact us immediately if your account has not updated correctly. 

All other changes in certification must be completed by meeting the entry requirements for the appropriate level and testing to gain certification. 

For More Information Please Review the Articles Below:

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